
In conclusion:

• About what we will remember the most, certainly  the right answer is the way of working and learning together, and discovering new and wonderful things by ourselves, always using ICTs. We won’t also forget the pressure to met the deadline every week  but  thanks to this we have worked very hard. We have changed our beliefs and thoughts about teaching and learning, forgetting the old and outdated methodologies. We worked a lot but we also had fun, which is also important, and we are so satisfied of what we have made and learned this course.

• The hardest thing has been accomodate the schedules and preferences for our work in group. At first we were not used to work in a group and we thought we had so little time to analyze, design, create and expose the activities. But as the course was progressing, we develop a better system for organizing work and engage everyone. In the end, we believe we have found a great workflow and some pretty good results.

• The easiest thing has been, once we knew each other, coordinate among us in order to do better and faster the practices. At first it was quite difficult to coordinate and consider the ideas, tastes and preferences of each member, but we finally realized that learning to work with colleagues is one of the most important skills you can learn. Once we understood each other and we set our goals in common, the activities developed more easily and with more quality.

• The funniest thing was when we met each time to do the weekly work, because we had fun and at the same time we worked. Surely we never forget the laughter and those cafes in the cafeteria. So many good moments.

• There is no particular moment that we could consider as the most boring. Maybe when the subjects of the activities have not been particularly to our liking, such as LOE / LOMCE, or perhaps when we had to write the role´s post in our blog, because it is more fun to create and perform the practices that have to write them,  sometimes with very little time for do it. But all in all practices have had a pretty entertaining development and have not reached any moment that become a routine.

• We think that something that will be useful for us are all the new tools and the use of Web 2.0, for example Pearltrees, Slideshare ... Probably in a few years, most of these tools will disappear or will be replaced by new and better ways to work using ICT. But the point is that we have learned that we can look without fear in the future to the new tools and media we will encounter in our personal and professional lives as teachers.

• What we will no longer use is, with some luck, the knowledge about the LOMCE. Hopefully this law will be short-lived and be replaced by a new more fair, innovative and comprehensive law. All other knowledge we have gained, we think we will be useful at one time or another in our lives.

• The activity where we have learned the most has been the first (TPACK) because with this we have learnt the basis to a more efficient way of teaching combining pedagogy, contents and technology in a balanced manner.

• What we should improve in our work for other courses is the organization of the groupwork. When we work in that way we encounter some difficulties. Therefore, we should enhance our fellowship, because we have to keep in mind that  if we do not work orderly and with a certain organization, problems can and will happen. We should organize better the division of the tasks, manage the available time for the deadlines and have a clear and strong sense of leadership and responsability.

• What we need to keep for other course is our eagerness and our desire of self-improvement, our will to do things as better and interesting as possible, and our curiosity to learn new ways of teaching and learning with ICTs.

• If we pass it is because our steady work and effort have been finally rewarded.

• If we fall it is because the work of the group doesn't meet the appropiate requirements to pass the subject, even if we thought we did everything right, so we have to continue to work even harder next course.