Activity 1. Exploring TPACK.

Before technologies like useful tools in education field, teachers had to know about the content of the subject and about the pedagogical didactic methodology that they had to use in the class. It is named CK (Content Knowledge), all the knowledge about the subject that a teacher knows in order to teaching. It does not depend on the level, from pre-primary to university studies. Obviously, pre-primary’s teachers has to know less content that university’s teacher. All the knowledge that teacher have to know about pedagogical didactic methodology are named PK (Pedagogical Knowledge).

Not all the pedagogical methodologies are valid or they are the most convenient for each subject, so it dependent on several factors, such as the subject, the age of the students, the school's identity or geographical factors, and the teacher must select which of these methodologies it is the most convenient. If we put together this two types of knowledge, PK and CK the result is what is known as PCK (Pedagogical Content Knowledge).

With the introduction of new technology in our daily lives, we don’t feel obligated to include those tools in the world of education. Technology can represent reality in different ways. For this reason it acquires significant potential value in presenting a greater variability and therefore a greater chance of learning. We call TK (Technological Knowledge) to the knowledge of the applications that make greater our productivity and make us achieve our goals. We may be able to select among the wide range of varieties of applications that presents the technologies applied to education, those whose characteristics best suited to the content of our subject. This selection of the most suitable content to technological applications is what is called TCK (Technological Knowledge Content).

Just as does the TCK, we can select applications or tools technologies that are best suited to teaching methodologies that we developed in the classroom. That is why our methods must be adapted to a variety of new approaches to improve the objectives in the classroom. Some of these tools are better adapted than others and therefore they will give good results at work. The selection of tools and methodology for this purpose is the decision of the teacher supported her/his experience and that from his/her colleagues. Such selection of technological tools and methodology is what is called TPK (Technological Pedagogical Knowledge).

If we put together that methodologies, they are suitable for every type of content while we think that technology tools or applications are the most likely to get more and better performance, our work as teachers have improved. A union of these three variables is known by the name of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK). We should remember that although this methodology can be used for any level of education and that could be confused, it will depend on the variables that teachers choose.

For this activity we wanted to make it clear that the most important thing is how they should be chosen and related the three components of TPACK. For this, we design a poster where you could see that not all content or teaching methods or technological tools are useful or selectable within an educational context. As a colour wheel, used for children to learn the art primary and secondary colours or light colours, we represented each of the variables within the TPACK ( CK , PK and TC ) , their intersections , ( TPK, TCK and PCK ) and the union of these in the TPACK . we represented each variable by the icon we thought most representative : CK with a book , representing the contents, the various fields of knowledge , the subjects ; PK with a human figure represented as teaching methodology applied ; TK with a computer and accounting technology. The result is showed in the following illustration:

According to the role of the  translator, the five terms chosen related to the work of this week were the following:

 • TPACK: Conceptual model that provides teachers a mental framework for thinking about the different areas of knowledge related to effective teaching and the interaction of knowledge and skills which are necessary for the effective integration of technology.

TPACK framework is composed of three primary forms of knowledge: TK- Technological Knowledge, PK- Pedagogical Knowledge and CK- Content Knowledge. They are essential to good teaching and learning and they are also essential for the successful use of technology in the classroom.

Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK) is a comprehension of how teaching and learning can change when we use technological tools. This includes knowledge of the advantages and limitations of such tools to promote or restrict certain kind of pedagogical designs and strategies.

 • Technological Content Knowledge (TCK) is an understanding of the mode in which Technology and Content influence are hold back one to another. Teachers need to become an expert of the subject and also they need to have an appropriate comprehension of the mode in which the subject material can be changed by the application of technologies.

Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) includes the essential part of the activity of teaching, learning, curriculum, evaluation and reporting, such as the conditions that promote learning and the links between curriculum, assessment, and pedagogy.

Method: as the free dictionary by farlex said: a method is a “way of doing something, especially a systematic way; implies an orderly logical arrangement (usually in steps)”.

So the TPACK would greatly help the teaching-learning process

Analyzing the TPACK:

The moment of expose our work to the rest of the classmates, we think it has been the most grateful part because it was the moment in which our star, like a represent of all the group, showed very well the work we made during all the week.

According to the worst part of the activity has been how to carry out it. For us, it has been a very complicated matter, because we didn't found the adequate way to express all the information in the poster, what materials use or what would be the correct style...

Talking about the best moment we think it was the time we spent in class all together, trying to coordinate and organize us, working as a group.

About the worse, undoubtedly, organizing the work has been the most difficult task. Firstly, because it is a new way of work to which we are not used. Secondly, because this has been an activity, which needs so much time to make it properly, and due to time, it was difficult for us to carry out like a whole group.

How to answer the question what we have learnt? Well this first week of the subject not only has achieved the expected goals, we think it has helped us to discover new things and new ways of learning. Besides having explored the concept of TPACK and making a conceptual map, we have created our groupal blog and our twitter account, and we have also learnt (or at least tried), to organize a groupal work, dividing it in smaller individual tasks, as well as distributing the time.

According to what we need to conserve as a group we could say that maybe the reason is because it is about something innovative and dynamic, but the truth is that all the components of my group are deeply involved into the subject, motivated and eager to improve and make new things. This is something essential for the functioning of the group.

As a  group we need to improve lot of things. Working in group is not an easy task, because it entails effort and a good understanding among all the components of the group. That is the reason why we consider that all of us need to convert all our individual goals into a common objective, improving our communication and even being critical with ourselves, because it is the only way to improve day after day.

And finally, according to the question how this content is related to other contents in the course and in our degree, first, the concept of TPACK, a different methodological approach, which we'll work with in a future as teachers. Second, how to create a proper mind map, that it is going to be useful in the rest of the degree, and even as teachers.

In conclusion for this activity we could say that teaching is a very responsible task. The teacher should not be presented in front of a group of children without being aware of this responsibility. Improvisation can be a resource at some point in time but should not be usual. Therefore, TPACK provides a tool to become aware of it. So far we were aware that the methodology should be adapted to the content that you want to teach. Not all methods are valid, depending on the group of students who have front and circumstances. That content must also be selected for each type of student. But now, with the inclusion of new technologies in our lives and in the classroom as a resource that opens up new dimensions to education, we raise again the need to know and use applications that are most useful for each content of each subject and applications that are most useful to develop a methodology or another.

Irene Martínez
 Mariano   Castillo
  Ana De     Lara       
   MªJosé   Herrero
   Javier     Marín
    Natalia      Martínez

Mariano Castillo
Ana De Lara
Mª José Herrero
Javier Marín
Natalia Martínez
Alicia Lova

Mark for this Activity.

What is your perception of the group work on this activity?

This was the first practice we had to do in this subject and altough we needed time to know how to focus on it, we got it and in the end we did a good job together. It was a good oportunity to learn what type of methods we should use when we are teachers in some years time in order to be a good professional and teach in a motivating way.